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Category: Music

Cry smiley

Cry smiley  
Submitted by buddy at 08-08-2005
DJ smiley 4
DJ smiley 4
Music smiley 11
Music smiley 11
Violin smiley
Violin smiley
Music Smiley 39
Music Smiley 39
Music Smiley 21
Music Smiley 21

Smiley Tools

Tell a Friend

Send email

Download smiley

Smiley code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Cry smiley on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Smiley Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Smiley bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Smileys

Chiken smiley 5
Chiken smiley 5
from Animals
Shooting Smiley 2
Shooting Smiley 2
from Action
Angel smiley 140
Angel smiley 140
from Angel
Yahoo smiley 23
Yahoo smiley 23
from Emotions

Smileys are also called emoticons. Tell us and website visitors what you think of this smiley. You can download and post the smiley in Yahoo messenger.

Feel free to submit your smileys. Smile images are supported in AOL instant messenger, Yahoo and MSN messengers.

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Random Icons

Vantage Point Myspace Icon 6
Vantage Point Myspace Icon 6
from Vantage Point Buddy Icons
Be Angry Icon
Be Angry Icon
from Character Buddy Icons
Alaska Northern Lights 8
Alaska Northern Lights 8
from Alaska Buddy Icons
Kristin Kreuk Icon 2
Kristin Kreuk Icon 2
from Kristin Kreuk Buddy Icons

Random Avatars

Santa Avatar 8
Santa Avatar 8
from New Year And Christmas
Happy Easter Avatar 2
Happy Easter Avatar 2
from Easter

Random Away Messages

Press the right buttons
Girls are like a t.v and a remote control. Press the right buttons and youll turn them on.
from Other
The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.
from Funny
  Tell her
Tell her why she's perfect for you. Pick her up & pretend like you're going to throw her in the pool. She'll kick & scream , but secretly she'll love it. Protect her. Hold her hand when you talk to her. Look at her like she's the only girl you ever want to be with. When she least expects it, pull her in & kiss her, hard. Tell her she looks beautiful. Tickle her, even if she says stop. =]. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Kiss her forehead. Give her piggy back rides. Be slow, don't push anything. Make her feel needed & loved. Kiss her in the rain. & when you fall in love with her... tell her.
from Romance

Random Programs

Away Factor
from Aim

Away Control
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim


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You can download everything you see here for free! A lot of College Icons can be found here. Express yourself with a custom created aim expressions.

You can upload your icons, smileys, expressions and programs. Check icons from King Kong movie. Instant messanging is the best way to find new friends. Join us free and express yourself. Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression.


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