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Total Away messages in List: 47
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Oh by the way

Whats the deal with long away messages? They're so stupid! I mean all you have to say is "I'm away" and we get the picture! Have you ever read one before? I'll bet it took up like 30 minutes for you to read the whole thing right %n? They're just so stupid! Oh by the way, I'm away.

Submitted by buddy at 02-28-2008
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Stop to think

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

Submitted by buddy at 02-20-2008
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I am lost in the woods

I am breathing the fresh air of the woods... Ok, I am lost in the woods.

Submitted by buddy at 12-17-2007
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Ding dong

I got locked outside so leave a message after the doorbell... Ding dong...

Submitted by buddy at 12-17-2007
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My dog ate

My dog ate my away message.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I can't think

I can't think of a good away message.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I blocked you

How are you reading this, %n? I thought I blocked you!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Shoot I forgot to leave an away message!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Game of Twister

I'm out like Christopher Reeve in a game of Twister.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I am lost.

I am lost. I have gone off to find myself. Should I return before I find me, please tell me to wait until I get back. (Note to self: Print out Mapquest directions next time.)

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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It's midterm season

It's midterm season, which is kinda like rabbit season, only Im not going to be eating rabbit for dinner. Im going to be eating it FOR BREAKFAST!!! Either way Im studying.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Maybe I'm not here

Maybe I'm not here. Maybe I am here, and I'm just waiting to see what you type when you think I'm gone. Maybe this whole away message is just a cruel mind game. Maybe not.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Radiation monkeys

HELP! Radiation monkeys are attacking me! There sucking... my... brain... can't... think... must... finish... away... mess- AHHHHH!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Milk! Have you ever wondered who was the first to say, "Hey look at that strange creature. Let's pull them things hanging and taste it." Well, I went to go find out!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Yes I believe you

Yes I believe you, 2 plus 2 does equal 5! :turns to friend: Man this chick is so stupid!! We all know 2+2=3

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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I was thinking

I was thinking about this whole away message thing. Does anyone really care where we are or what we are doing? Is it even really any of their business? Well I'm away. Lets just leave it at that.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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This is Goldilocks

Hello! This is Goldilocks. I'm busy right now eating porridge with the three bears, be back as soon as we settle which bowl of porridge is juuussst right!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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I'm not hear right now and since you are talking to my away message you must have no one to talk to and no where to go. So, run around outside flapping your arms screaming "I CAN FLY!" "I CAN FLY!" while ripping off your and very nice people will come to you and take you to a very nice place where there is padding on the walls.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Why are you IMing me??!!? Can't you see the little yellow tabby thingy next to my screen name? Or am I not on your buddy list? Gee, the thanks I get for being such a good friend... you don't even care if I'm on, do you? You're probably IM'ing me to tell me you hate me... is that right? I can't take this... this stress... too much stress... I've gone upstairs to get some aspirin and maybe a beer.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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