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- Free AIM Icons, MSN Display Pictures, MySpace Graphics and MySpace Avatars, AIM Away Messages, Free Yahoo Smileys, AIM Expressions, Programs for instant messengers and much more.
42543 AIM Icons | 1865 Yahoo Smileys | MySpace Avatars | 627 Away Messages | 11 AIM Expressions | 7 IM Programs | 4293 Users | 0 Signed In

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Category: Silly

Away message I am lost.

I am lost.
Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
I am lost. I have gone off to find myself. Should I return before I find me, please tell me to wait until I get back. (Note to self: Print out Mapquest directions next time.)

Use it!


Random Away Messages

Other time of the year
What other time of the year do you get to sit around a dead tree in your living room and eat candy out of your socks?
from Other
Don't you dare leave me a message or I'll send my pack of psycotic clowns to hurt you in the middle of the night. Trust me, I know where you live and these are some vicious clowns so don't underestimate the power of me or the clowns. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE CLOWNS!
from Silly
I'm not here right now. Well, is that really a picture of you on your myspace? It is? Well, then I'm here!
from Silly
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If you have your own away messages and would like to let people know about it, please join us and submit it. Put a custom away message in Instant messanger profile. You'll get virtual tokens for every approved away message.

Away messages let you express yourself. To install this message in your AIM, make sure that your instant messenger is online and click on Use it! AOL instant messenger, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo messengers support this feature.

Random Icons

Fun Girl Football Icon
Fun Girl Football Icon
from Football Buddy Icons
Tennessee Tech 2
Tennessee Tech 2
from Team Logos Buddy Icons
Hold Me Baby Myspace Icon
Hold Me Baby Myspace Icon
from Love Dolls Buddy Icons
Winter And Snow Myspace Icon 3
Winter And Snow Myspace Icon 3
from Seasons Buddy Icons

Random Smileys

Love smiley 8
Love smiley 8
from Love
Mortal Kombat Cyrax
Mortal Kombat Cyrax
from Games
from Funny
Zodiac smiley 12
Zodiac smiley 12
from Zodiac

Random Avatars

I Am Online for your MySpace Profile 6
I Am Online for your MySpace Profile 6
from MySpace Online
I Love You Mom Myspace Avatar 10
I Love You Mom Myspace Avatar 10
from Mother s Day

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim


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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. Tons of new buddy icons and smileys are added almost daily on Buddy-Icons.info. Check icons from King Kong movie. You can download everything you see here for free! A lot of College Icons can be found here.

Join us free and express yourself. Icons are suitable for AIM, MSN, Yahoo messangers and ICQ photos. You can copy and paste smileys and emoticons on your personal homepage, website or profile on MySpace, Xanga and other websites. You can use these icons in forums, different websites, MySpace.com, Xanga.com or any other places in internet. Amazing Crazy frog icons for your AIM messanger for free download!


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