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42543 AIM Icons | 1865 Yahoo Smileys | MySpace Avatars | 627 Away Messages | 11 AIM Expressions | 7 IM Programs | 4293 Users | 0 Signed In

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Enhanced AIM Sounds Category: Aim 
Submitted by: billy_44
Comments: ( 2 )
Downloads: 30612
Description: This changes your old stock AIM sounds to new and enhanced ones.

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above Category: Aim 
Submitted by: billy_44
Comments: ( 0 )
Downloads: 27188
Description: Changes your stock AIM sounds to new and enhanced ones.Now you may use the sounds for the newest versions: AIM® 6.0 and above. (AIM® 6, AIM ®6.1, AIM® Triton.)

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack Screenshot Category: Aim 
Submitted by: billy_44
Comments: ( 0 )
Downloads: 24147
Description: A few icons I put together in a pack.

Away Control Screenshot Category: Aim 
Submitted by: mark
Comments: ( 1 )
Downloads: 18350
Description: The program lets you hide your away message from profile page, set different away messages for different buddies. Tested, works perfect

Away Factor Screenshot Category: Aim 
Submitted by: mark
Comments: ( 0 )
Downloads: 16728
Description: Used to change away messages randomly. You can use your own away messages and rotate them. Tested program, works perfect. Recommended.

AIM® Password Cracker [v1.1] Screenshot Category: Aim 
Submitted by: billy_44
Comments: ( 0 )
Downloads: 0
Description: Simple, effective password cracker. The program that I use to break my friend's passwords.

AIM® PassCrack Screenshot Category: Aim 
Submitted by: billy_44
Comments: ( 0 )
Downloads: 0
Description: Simple, effective password cracker. The program that I use to break my friend's passwords.

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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

Check icons from King Kong movie. Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. It's absolutely free to join our community. Download free aim related programs!

Buddy-Icons.info is a place for users of AIM, Yahoo messanger, MSN or ICQ. You can use these icons in forums, different websites, MySpace.com, Xanga.com or any other places in internet. A lot of College Icons can be found here.


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