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Category: Emotions

ICQ smiley 29

ICQ smiley 29  
Submitted by buddy at 08-05-2005
MSN smiley 35
MSN smiley 35
He just saw a pretty girl
He just saw a pretty girl
Smiley 160
Smiley 160
Smiley 114
Smiley 114
Smiley 100
Smiley 100

Smiley Tools

Tell a Friend

Send email

Download smiley

Smiley code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use ICQ smiley 29 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Smiley Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Smiley bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Smileys

Zodiac smiley 28
Zodiac smiley 28
from Zodiac
Eat smiley 4
Eat smiley 4
from Food
Epee Fencer Smiley
Epee Fencer Smiley
from Sport
Angel smiley 105
Angel smiley 105
from Angel

Use this smiley in your AIM. Tell us and website visitors what you think of this smiley. Feel free to submit your smileys. You can install use these smiley in MySpace.

Here you can find lots of aim smileys and emoticons on different subjects. Smileys are also called emoticons. Smile images are supported in AOL instant messenger, Yahoo and MSN messengers.

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Random Icons

The Ring
The Ring
from The Ring Buddy Icons
Anime Buddy Icon 99
Anime Buddy Icon 99
from Animes Buddy Icons
True Love Doll Myspace Icon 3
True Love Doll Myspace Icon 3
from Love Dolls Buddy Icons
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Icon 43
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Icon 43
from Harry Potter Buddy Icons

Random Avatars

Happy Mothers Day Myspace Avatar 10
Happy Mothers Day Myspace Avatar 10
from Mother s Day
Rose Myspace Avatar 5
Rose Myspace Avatar 5
from MySpace Love

Random Away Messages

Spring Fever
QUARANTINE: The person you have attempted to reach is contaminated with Spring Fever. If you believe that you may have come in contact with this person or other sources of infection, consult a physician immediately. Symptoms include: restlessness, claustrophobia, and the desire to run outside screaming like a loon.
from Other
  @ night time
@ night time while I sleep I dream that my jelly beans jump into my milk and start to drown, i try to save them, but then all the other jellybeans start to attack me! I bite the nose off of the purple one and it cusses me out. It is absolutely dreadful...now ur gonna have it too, just like me!! hahaha anyways I'm trying 2 help the jelly beans, b back soon
from Sleep
  All work and no play
All work and no play means that I am making lots and lots of money.
from Work

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

Away Control
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim


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You can upload your icons, smileys, expressions and programs. Move than 3000 icons about the most popular movies. You can find funny AIM icons, away messages, smileys and emotions. Join us free and express yourself. Feel free to join us free and take the advantages of the growing community of IM users.

You can also find a lot of avatars for MySpace. Icons are suitable for AIM, MSN, Yahoo messangers and ICQ photos. You can use these icons in forums, different websites, MySpace.com, Xanga.com or any other places in internet.


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