Global Warming Denial
There's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming, there's no such thing as global warming.
from Other
I'll cry too
I'll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. I'll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do, and if you cry a single tear I promise you I'll cry too.
from Other
why people feel the need...
You know, I don't understand why people feel the need to put up these long, drawn out away messages up. I mean all you really need to do is just put up gone, sleeping, eating, studying, partying. But people just seem to go on and on and on and on with stuff that doesn't even really matter. They say stuff like, "I need to sleep. I'll sleep now. You should be sleeping too." Or, "You can leave me a message because I am not here right now. If I were here right now, I would message you back, right?!" So, on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on...
from Other