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Category: Emotions

Stressed smilie

Stressed smilie  
Submitted by buddy at 07-20-2005
Smiley 158
Smiley 158
Cry baby
Cry baby
Popo smiley 14
Popo smiley 14
Popo smiley 64
Popo smiley 64

Smiley Tools

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Send email

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Smiley code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Stressed smilie on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Smiley Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Smiley bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Smileys

Cupid smiley
Cupid smiley
from Love
Popo smiley 37
Popo smiley 37
from Emotions
Cat smiley 6
Cat smiley 6
from Animals
Love Smiley 50
Love Smiley 50
from Love

Smile images are supported in AOL instant messenger, Yahoo and MSN messengers. Help us to build list of top emotions by rating this smiley. Smileys are also called emoticons.

Tell us and website visitors what you think of this smiley. Feel free to submit your smileys.

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Random Icons

The Beatles Icon 139
The Beatles Icon 139
from The Beatles Buddy Icons
Enchanted Myspace Icon 32
Enchanted Myspace Icon 32
from Enchanted Buddy Icons
Merry Christmas 7
Merry Christmas 7
from Holiday Buddy Icons
Charlie ATCF
Charlie ATCF
from Charlie ATCF Buddy Icons

Random Avatars

Happy Easter Avatar 2
Happy Easter Avatar 2
from Easter
Merry Christmas Avatar 2
Merry Christmas Avatar 2
from New Year And Christmas

Random Away Messages

Will you be mine
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade If life gives you milk make cheese If life gives you dirt make mud pies If life gives you chocolates, GIVE THEM TO YOUR VALENTINE!!! Will you be mine?
from Romance
it feels like it's never going to end the homework waking up early,it's college the eneding of my education
from College
  A Story
Well let me tell you a story. There's this guy that loved this girl more than anything in the world. The sad thing is that he never got to see her in person and is still in love with her. Another sad thing is that she doesn't love him anymore but he still loves her and wishes that she loved him back. Now he just goes by each day in complete misery. He tries to sort things out but it doesn't seem like anything will go right for him. He still tries to find out if she still has feelings for him. Well apparently she does still have feelings but of course she doesn't love him anymore. So what the hell do the feelings towards him mean. It looks like he will never know. All he knows is that she lies and doesn't seem to talk to him much anymore so he wonders what she has become. She goes from one boyfriend to another so he again wonders what she is becoming. All signs lead to her becoming a whore.
from Other

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

Away Control
from Aim


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