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Category: Sport

Tennis Smiley

Tennis Smiley  
Play tennis smiley
Submitted by buddy at 12-08-2005
Horizontal Bar Smiley
Horizontal Bar Smiley
Epee Fencer Smiley
Epee Fencer Smiley
Swimming Smiley
Swimming Smiley
Trampoline Smiley
Trampoline Smiley
Skis Smiley 5
Skis Smiley 5

Smiley Tools

Tell a Friend

Send email

Download smiley

Smiley code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Tennis Smiley on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Smiley Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Smiley bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Smileys

Smiley 127
Smiley 127
from Emotions
Balls on chin
Balls on chin
from Funny
from Funny
Tablet smiley 17
Tablet smiley 17
from Tablet

Help us to build list of top emotions by rating this smiley. You can install use these smiley in MySpace. Feel free to submit your smileys.

Click on Download and save the icon on your computer. Here you can find lots of aim smileys and emoticons on different subjects.

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Random Icons

Gone with the Wind Icon 18
Gone with the Wind Icon 18
from Gone with the Wind Buddy Icons
Shakira Icon 28
Shakira Icon 28
from Shakira Buddy Icons
Cereal Killer
Cereal Killer
from Food Buddy Icons
Pigeon 2
Pigeon 2
from Birds Buddy Icons

Random Avatars

Latino Online for your MySpace Profile
Latino Online for your MySpace Profile
from MySpace Online
Smile Never MySpace Avatars
Smile Never MySpace Avatars
from MySpace People

Random Away Messages

Tell her
Tell her why she's perfect for you. Pick her up & pretend like you're going to throw her in the pool. She'll kick & scream , but secretly she'll love it. Protect her. Hold her hand when you talk to her. Look at her like she's the only girl you ever want to be with. When she least expects it, pull her in & kiss her, hard. Tell her she looks beautiful. Tickle her, even if she says stop. =]. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Kiss her forehead. Give her piggy back rides. Be slow, don't push anything. Make her feel needed & loved. Kiss her in the rain. & when you fall in love with her... tell her.
from Romance
I'm not here right now. Well, is that really a picture of you on your myspace? It is? Well, then I'm here!
from Silly
  Sleeping 2
I'm nice and comfy in my bed sound asleep. Who am I kidding? I'm wide awake making up more of these stupid away messages!
from Sleep

Random Programs

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim


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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

Find your original Harry Potter icons. Lots of icons about The Chronicles of Narnia can be downloaded for free. Do you find it difficult to express your emotions? Take a look at thousands of emotions on Buddy-Icons.info. You can express yourself with our custom buddy icons. It's absolutely free to join our community.

Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. You can also find a lot of avatars for MySpace. Amazing Crazy frog icons for your AIM messanger for free download! Feel free to join us free and take the advantages of the growing community of IM users. Post your own icons and away messages and let other people review them.


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