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change tomorrow and today from category Inspirational

How can I change tomorrow if I can' even change today?

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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learn live hope from category Inspirational

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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how much do you care from category Romance

You don't know how much you love and care for someone until they stop caring for you

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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so romantic... from category Romance

* You can fall from a tree * * You can fall from the sky * * But the best way to fall * * Is in love with me *

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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fits in a little place in your heart from category Romance

Sometimes someone says something really small, and it fits just right into the empty space in your heart.

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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drink therefor i am away from category Eating

i drink therefor i am - away

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Girl kicked my dog from category Silly

Chasing after the little girl that just kicked my dog!

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Don't pee in the pool from category Bathroom

I don't swim in the toilet so DON'T PEE IN THE POOL!

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Streeking from category Silly

I am currently streeking. Please leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP.

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Soemthing you should be doing from category Work

I am working, which is something that you should be doing.

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Rotting in front of the tv from category Other

I'm rotting in front of the television.

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Call a physic from category Bathroom

If you want to know where I am call a psychic! If you're too lazy to do that just leave me a message!

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Striking out from category Bathroom

Never let the FeAr of StRiKiNg OuT keep you from *playing* the ~game~

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Other from category Bathroom

Candy is dandy, But liquor is quicker...

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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The one from category Romance

you said you couldn't do with out me........you lied you told me you would always be there....you lied you said you cared 4 me ..... you lied you said you needed me ........you lied you told me you wanted me..........you lied you told me you LOVED me...........you lied the worst part is i BELIEVED you i thought you were the one

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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My.... from category Other


Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Domination from category Thinkers

"Puny humans, stop trying to contact me. As I am busy on my quest for world domination"

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Wait from category Silly

If I'm not back in 15 than wait longer!

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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back in 5 from category Silly

Out of my mind, back in five minutes.

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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Perfect from category Romance

*you're so [ p e r f e c t ] to me*

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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