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Something my teacher told me from category Thinkers

Algebra is our friend but geometry is our enemy.

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 11-02-2006
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Anti-IM shield from category Funny


Submitted by VladislausDracula at 10-02-2006
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They're coming to take me away. from category Silly

They´re coming to take me away, Haha, they´re coming to take me away, Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I´ll be happy to see Those nice young men In their clean white coats And they´re coming to take me AWAY, HA HAAAA

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 10-02-2006
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Don't IM from category Funny


Submitted by VladislausDracula at 10-02-2006
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Toga from category Funny

Don't start a toga party and pass gas after eating 22 burritos and while doing that pour oil and have a match behind you.

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 09-23-2006
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help! from category Funny

Help! I'm being attacked by killer squirrells.*starts screaming*

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 09-23-2006
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ah! from category Insults

SUGER PLUM FAIRY!!!! Oh it is just you.

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 09-23-2006
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Don't from category Funny

Don't celebrate National Flamethrower Day.

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 09-23-2006
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Two things you shouldn't do in the library from category Funny

Two things you shouldn't do in the library. One is don't moon the librarian and two is don't tell other people that books will eat there faces.

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 09-23-2006
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Raving Lunatic from category Funny

Roses Are Red, Violets are blue,I'm a raving lunatic,AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 08-14-2006
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Idiots from category Insults

The idiots are the ones who say others are idiots for being themselves!

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 08-12-2006
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Pillow date from category Sleep

Currently having a date with my pillow see you in 15 hours.

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 08-10-2006
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Save the day! from category Silly

Fat Momma, Fat Momma! I'm here to save the day! GIVE ME A DONUT!

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 08-05-2006
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Mad from category Insults

I'm mad at you right now so go away!

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 07-28-2006
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Dracula from category Funny

Dracula is here now....umm can't talk..(runs for dear life).

Submitted by VladislausDracula at 07-28-2006
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