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Category: Funny

Away message Class of 2009

Class of 2009
Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
Party hard Rock and Roll We're the class you won't control The gurls are hot The boys are fine We're the class of 2009!!

Use it!


Random Away Messages

Guess what I'm doing?
There is nothing more educational than TV and there is nothing healthier than eating greasy potato chips on the couch. Guess what I'm doing?
from Other
  Few women admit...
Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.
from Funny
It's only funny until someone gets hurt ...then it's hilarious!
from Funny
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Random Icons

Landscapes Alaska Icon 42
Landscapes Alaska Icon 42
from Alaska Buddy Icons
Brooke from one tree hill
Brooke from one tree hill
from Girls Buddy Icons
Sleeping Sun
Sleeping Sun
from Fantasy Buddy Icons
Hieroglyph Icon 9
Hieroglyph Icon 9
from Other Buddy Icons

Random Smileys

Popo smiley 67
Popo smiley 67
from Emotions
Alien smiley 5
Alien smiley 5
from Alien
Tablet smiley 14
Tablet smiley 14
from Tablet
Popo smiley 10
Popo smiley 10
from Emotions

Random Avatars

Reindeer Avatar 10
Reindeer Avatar 10
from New Year And Christmas
Sweety Myspace Avatar
Sweety Myspace Avatar
from MySpace Love

Random Programs

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

Away Control
from Aim


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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

You can copy and paste smileys and emoticons on your personal homepage, website or profile on MySpace, Xanga and other websites. Buddy-Icons.info is a place for users of AIM, Yahoo messanger, MSN or ICQ. Tons of new buddy icons and smileys are added almost daily on Buddy-Icons.info. Lots of icons about The Chronicles of Narnia can be downloaded for free. Lots of buddy icons can be used in your favorite instant messanger: AIM, MSN, Yahoo or as a Photo in ICQ.

Instant messanging is the best way to find new friends. Feel free to join us free and take the advantages of the growing community of IM users. Find your original Harry Potter icons. Download free aim related programs!


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