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Category: Tips

Away message Friends

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
True friends, are like diamonds, precious and rare, but false friends, like autumn leaves, are found everywhere.

Use it!


Random Away Messages

Silly IHop
I didn't know there was a funnel cake festival down at IHop! I'm going to that? Hey, do you know where the nearest IHop is?
from Silly
  my mamma said don't ever...
mamma said don't ever go out side after dark, mamma said don't talk to strangers, mamma also said never listen to any 1 over 30, mamma's profile: 40years old
from Tips
There'll be two dates on your tombstone And all your friends will read 'em But all that's gonna matter is that little dash between 'em..."
from Tips
Tell a Friend

Send email

AOL instant messenger, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo messengers support this feature. If you have your own away messages and would like to let people know about it, please join us and submit it. Put a custom away message in Instant messanger profile.

To install this message in your AIM, make sure that your instant messenger is online and click on Use it! Away messages let you express yourself. You'll get virtual tokens for every approved away message.

Random Icons

Lamborghini Reventon Myspace Icon 5
Lamborghini Reventon Myspace Icon 5
from Lamborghini Buddy Icons
Hendrix Warriors
Hendrix Warriors
from Team Logos Buddy Icons
Invincible Link
Invincible Link
from Games Buddy Icons
Jersey Girl 7
Jersey Girl 7
from Jersey Girl Buddy Icons

Random Smileys

Fox smiley 2
Fox smiley 2
from Animals
from Emotions
Smiley 100
Smiley 100
from Emotions
Crazy Smiley f
Crazy Smiley f
from Crazy

Random Avatars

Happy Santa Avatar 4
Happy Santa Avatar 4
from New Year And Christmas
Happy Birthday Myspace Avatar 9
Happy Birthday Myspace Avatar 9
from Birthday

Random Programs

Away Control
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim


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Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. Tons of new buddy icons and smileys are added almost daily on Buddy-Icons.info. Contact other members using Private messaging, leave your comments and rate icons, away messages, programs, etc. You can find funny AIM icons, away messages, smileys and emotions. Are you fond of Yahoo emotions? Yahoo emoticons and smileys can be downloaded or used on websites.

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