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Away message GUYZ

Submitted by cjsparkle89 at 12-13-2005
Y do ppl assume things? Y does it seem like guys r on their period 24/7 seriously get a life! Stop bein jerks! And then every1 ask y i don't have 1 when I'm goin through the toughest thing in my life rite now! SO EVERY1 GET OFF MY CASE I KNOW I'M WEIRD BUT DANG I JUS WANT TO BE FRIENDS! without all the drama and talkin behind backs!!!

Use it!


Random Away Messages

Final Destination 3
You know what's fun? Watching the choose your fate version of Final Destination 3 and picking how the people die. Yeah, it's way more fun than talking to you. Wait, don't get on that rollercoaster!
from Other
Shhhh... I'm watching a movie.
from Other
  Christmas Eve
Santa is a stalker! He knows when we sleep, he knows when we're awake, he knows if we've been bad or good! Lock your doors on Christmas Eve!
from Other
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AOL instant messenger, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo messengers support this feature. Tokens can be used to upgrade to new Status and apply for Moderator status. You'll get virtual tokens for every approved away message.

Put a custom away message in Instant messanger profile. Away messages let you express yourself.

Random Icons

Julia Roberts Icon 30
Julia Roberts Icon 30
from Julia Roberts Buddy Icons
Go ravents
Go ravents
from Sports Buddy Icons
Mariah Carey 24
Mariah Carey 24
from Mariah Carey Buddy Icons
Sugar Were Going Down Swinging
Sugar Were Going Down Swinging
from Character Buddy Icons

Random Smileys

Zodiac smiley 18
Zodiac smiley 18
from Zodiac
Love smiley
Love smiley
from Love
Angel smiley 114
Angel smiley 114
from Angel
Smiley 181
Smiley 181
from Emotions

Random Avatars

Merry Christmas Avatar 6
Merry Christmas Avatar 6
from New Year And Christmas
For You Myspace Avatar
For You Myspace Avatar
from MySpace Love

Random Programs

Away Control
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim


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Comments (2)

12-27-2005 23:11 - meluvu
me myself i don't like it but i'm not the only person in toe world

05-13-2006 11:45 - billy_44
so muuuuch drawma muy gawsh

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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

Express yourself with a custom created aim expressions. You can express yourself with our custom buddy icons. Buddy-Icons.info is a place for users of AIM, Yahoo messanger, MSN or ICQ. Do you find it difficult to express your emotions? Take a look at thousands of emotions on Buddy-Icons.info. You can download everything you see here for free!

Are you fond of Yahoo emotions? Yahoo emoticons and smileys can be downloaded or used on websites. Icons are suitable for AIM, MSN, Yahoo messangers and ICQ photos. Find your original Harry Potter icons.


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