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Do you seriously think I care about anyone else, but me? Well, you thought wrong!
Submitted by
mizcutie125 at 12-25-2008
0 comment
Apparently, no one seems or wants to know how I feel anymore. God! Selfish, much?
Submitted by
mizcutie125 at 12-25-2008
0 comment
I am not here
I'm not here. Oh well, if I come back, maybe I'll talk to you. In the meantime, here are some things for you to think about. 1. If today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday, then what is the yesterday we'll think about tomorrow? 2. Which came first, hamburgers or french fries? 3. What do you think I'm doing right now instead of talking to you? Ha ha. Bet I have you stumped by now.
Submitted by
buddy at 02-28-2008
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A good friend
A good friend will bail you out of jail ---> while a best friend will be right beside you goin' that was freakin awesome
Submitted by
buddy at 02-28-2008
0 comment
I'll cry too
I'll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. I'll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do, and if you cry a single tear I promise you I'll cry too.
Submitted by
buddy at 02-28-2008
0 comment
If all my friends
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them. I'd be at the bottom to catch them.
Submitted by
buddy at 02-28-2008
0 comment
You helped me laugh
You helped me laugh, you dried my tears, because of you, I have no fears, together we live, together we grow, teaching each other what we must know, you came in my life, and I was blessed I love you girl, you are the best, release my hand, and say good-bye please my friend don't you cry, I promise you this, it's not the end 'cause like I said you're my best friend .
Submitted by
buddy at 02-28-2008
0 comment
Spring Fever
QUARANTINE: The person you have attempted to reach is contaminated with Spring Fever. If you believe that you may have come in contact with this person or other sources of infection, consult a physician immediately. Symptoms include: restlessness, claustrophobia, and the desire to run outside screaming like a loon.
Submitted by
buddy at 02-28-2008
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I cant talk to you right now
Sorry I cant talk to you right now....I am currently in the process of plotting a way to take over the world....then I will figure out how to bring down Kentucky Fried Chicken....and finally I will eliminate green beans forever....t may be a while so dont get your panties in a bunch while holding your horses... .
Submitted by
buddy at 02-20-2008
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5 reasons
List 5 reasons why I shouldnt talk to you. And then read them over and over.
Submitted by
buddy at 02-20-2008
0 comment
My mom told me
My mom told me to watch the house but its cold outside so I decided to watch TV instead.
Submitted by
buddy at 01-15-2008
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