Away messages
What I think of Valentines Day
hearts and roses and kisses galore....
what the heck is all that junk for
people get mushy and start acting weird
Its definitely the most annoying day of the year
this day needs to be over with the end is near
before I shove a dozen roses up cupid's rear
I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak
and wear all black for the rest of the week
guys act all sweet but soon it will fade
for all they are doing is trying to get laid
the arrow cupid shot at me must not have hit
because I think love is a bunch of s**t
so theres my story.....what can say
love bites.....Screw VALENTINE'S DAY!!
Submitted by
buddy at 02-11-2008
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Valentine's Day Away Messages
Love and friendship fills the air
People smiling and laughing everywhere
Each kiss costs a dime
So take a ticket and wait in line
Oh what a bore this day can be
I love you so much, can't you see!
You get a card that someone sends
Most people waiting for this day to end
Since they don't have one to admire
They sit at home and cry near the fire
Pastel pink nails, and firery red roses
The cold weather makes cherry red noses
Hugs are exchanged and cards will be sent
And thats how I realised what Valentines ment!
Submitted by
buddy at 02-11-2008
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Love Means...
Love Means... (a girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle) Girl: Slow down. Im scared. Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, its to scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him) Guy: Can u take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me. In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die.
Submitted by
buddy at 12-04-2007
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Best way to fall
You can fall from the sky. You can fall from a tree. But the best way to fall. Is in love with me.
Submitted by
buddy at 11-28-2007
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When I first saw you
When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you when i talked to you I was afraid to go out with you when i went out with you I was afraid to like you when I liked you I was afraid to love you know that I love you I am afraid to lose you!
Submitted by
buddy at 11-28-2007
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my description of love
Love is heart that can become a broken puzzle if torn apart. Love is a dagger forced into a poor lonely soul that can break you or make you whole. Love is a game, shame, lame and a name. Love is a new life and a knife. Love can be like death, it can give or take your breath. Love is a saddness, a sorrow. Love is a new day tomorrow.Love is destressing, depressing and obsessing. Love is glory and a never ending story. Love is a flower that can be weak or be a power. Love is appealing, a feeling and can be hurtful or healing. Love is a fire, a burning desire and can be a dirty lier. Love is a killer and a thriller. Love is a pill that messes with will. Love is a flowing river that makes you cold, makes you quiver. Love is a new door that can be empty or can be more. Love is a passage way, a new beginning, a bran new day. Love is the colors black and blue frome the bruises from the old that still look new. Love is a book, a new way to look. Love is pain that can be lost or can gain. Love is apart of you and me and thats the way it will always be.
Submitted by
buddy at 11-27-2007
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If Only You Knew
I secretly love you, if only you knew. When I think about you my heart stops, and you're always in my thoughts. My love for you is unconditional. The times I think about you arn't additional. I try to talk to you, I really do! If only you knew, how much I love you.
Submitted by
buddy at 11-27-2007
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it was the cutest thing
it was the cutest thing....i was waiting outside for my ride..and the rain was pouring down in front of me...the lightning lit up the sky, and thunder added excitement to the scene...out in front of me, in the parking lot...was a boy and girl laughing, hugging and kissing...it was so cute to see how in love these two were, and how much fun they were having in the rain...just makes u think how romantic nature can be when your with someone special.....brb
Submitted by
buddy at 11-27-2007
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Love is life
One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away never knowing that you're my life.
Submitted by
buddy at 11-27-2007
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You know
You know you're in love when all you can think about is that one special person and you can't stand to be away from them for more then one second. You miss then even though they're standing right next to you. You fall asleep thinking about them, and dream about them every night.
Submitted by
buddy at 11-27-2007
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The one
you said you couldn't do with out me........you lied
you told me you would always be there....you lied
you said you cared 4 me ..... you lied
you said you needed me ........you lied
you told me you wanted me..........you lied
you told me you LOVED me...........you lied
the worst part is i BELIEVED you
i thought you were the one
Submitted by
Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
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