Find and download Buddy Icons, Smileys and emoticons, Away Messages, Expressions and Programs for AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo messangers!
Submitted by buddy at 06-08-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 06-19-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 06-26-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 07-05-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 07-18-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 07-20-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 09-07-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2006 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 05-25-2007 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 06-08-2007 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Submitted by buddy at 07-06-2007 0 comment Downloaded 2242 times
Find your original Harry Potter icons. Lots of icons and Smileys for MySpace. Move than 3000 icons about the most popular movies. Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. Express yourself with a custom created aim expressions.
You can find funny AIM icons, away messages, smileys and emotions. A lot of College Icons can be found here. Contact other members using Private messaging, leave your comments and rate icons, away messages, programs, etc.