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to drink 8-10 glasses from category Bathroom

Doctors say that it is good for us to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Unfortunately it has its consequences.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Showering from category Bathroom

Showering…Australian for beer.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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George Washington from category Bathroom

I bet George Washington is up in heaven right now saying, “What the hell are you doing in the shower son?” Well I don’t care! I need to be clean okay! You’re not my dad!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Are your z's running from category Sleep

Are your z's running? Um, you better go catch them.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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The best thing about waking up from category Sleep

The best thing about waking up with morning wood is knowing that without that kickstand, you might have rolled off your bed last night.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I was sleepin' like a baby from category Bathroom

I was sleepin' like a baby until I saw you in my dream.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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If you're reading this from category Sleep

If you're reading this...I'm dead. Just kidding, I'm sleeping. But people do die in their sleep. Sweet dreams!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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It's time for me to go to bed from category Sleep

It's time for me to go to bed. Don't worry though, I'm not signing offline. That would be RIDICULOUS!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I am three things right now from category Sleep

I am three things right now: 1) Asleep, 2) Online, 3) A nerd because I'm asleep and online.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I'm asleep on the keyboard from category Sleep

I'm asleep on the keyboard, so if I respond to you that's just my face talking.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I've gone to bed from category Sleep

I've gone to bed, if I don't wake up in 43 hours, assume the best: I'm still sleeping.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Sleeping is like shopping from category Sleep

Sleeping is like shopping with a leep instead of a hop.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Mickey Rooney from category Sleep

Mickey Rooney once said sleep was the opposite of being awake. Which may be true, except for his REAL name was Michael Rooney.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I like homework from category School

I like homework, it fascinates me. I can stare at it for hours and not get bored.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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To steal ideas from category School

To steal ideas from one person would be plagiarism; to steal ideas from many is called research. I'm writing a paper so consider me guilty of grand theft author.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Now I sit me down to study from category School

Now I sit me down to study; I pray to God I won't go nutty. If I should fail to learn this junk, I pray to God I will not flunk. But if I do, don't pity me at all, just lay my bones in the dormitory hall. Tell my prof I did my best, then pile my books upon my chest. Now I lay me down to rest, and pray I'll pass tomorrow's test. If I should die before I wake, that's one last test I'll have to take!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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HOME WORKING from category School

I’m working. HOME WORKING! Oh man I’m not funny.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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If writing a paper from category School

If writing a paper was as easy as riding a bike, oh man I would be really screwed. THANKS FOR NOTHING DAD!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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When I was 6 years old from category School

When I was 6 years old I learned how to do homework. There's no end to that story, I just really hate doing homework.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Taking a break from category Sleep

Taking a break from breaktime by studying.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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