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Category: Charlize Theron Buddy Icons

Charlize Theron Pic

Charlize Theron Pic  
Charlize Theron Pic is free buddy icon in category Charlize Theron Submitted by buddy at 02-08-2006.

Downloaded 2859 times
Charlize Theron Icon 26
Charlize Theron Icon 26
Charlize Theron Icon 30
Charlize Theron Icon 30
Charlize Theron Photo 9
Charlize Theron Photo 9
Charlize Theron Icon
Charlize Theron Icon
Charlize Theron Pic 10
Charlize Theron Pic 10

More Charlize Theron Buddy Icons...


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Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Charlize Theron Pic on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Icons

Easter Myspace Icon 10
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Connecticut Icon 83
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Depeche Mode Icon 45
Depeche Mode Icon 45
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Elizabeth Hurley Myspace Icon 6
Elizabeth Hurley Myspace Icon 6
from Elizabeth Hurley Buddy Icons

Putting a custom buddy icon to your profile is a perfect way to express yourself. We would appriciate to hear your comments about this buddy icon. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar. Copy and paste icon code in forums, Myspace, Xanga.com, etc.

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Random Smileys

ICQ smiley 11
ICQ smiley 11
from Emotions
Training Apparatus Smiley
Training Apparatus Smiley
from Sport
Popo smiley 50
Popo smiley 50
from Emotions
War Smiley
War Smiley
from Tablet

Random Avatars

Booom Myspace Avatar
Booom Myspace Avatar
from MySpace Love
Merry Christmas Avatar 6
Merry Christmas Avatar 6
from New Year And Christmas

Random Away Messages

Smart Person Doing Homework
Hello! Although I would adore the opportunity to be present and converse with you, I am regretful to state that I must attend to the monotinous and superfulous exercises implimented by those employed to supervise the required increase of my intelligence level. When I have completed these chores (which lack the motivation of my other ambitions), I will be available to associate myself with the portion of you that is not required to be capacitated by the painstaking duties of expanding your educational horizons.
from College
  I mean bit
I will be back in a bite, opps I mean bit.
from Eating
  Watching Friends
Rachel Greene. Ross Gellar, Monica Gellar Bing. Chandler Bing. Phoebe Buffay. Joey Tribbiani. I think you get the picture.
from Other

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim


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Amazing Crazy frog icons for your AIM messanger for free download! Do you find it difficult to express your emotions? Take a look at thousands of emotions on Buddy-Icons.info. Lots of buddy icons can be used in your favorite instant messanger: AIM, MSN, Yahoo or as a Photo in ICQ. You can also find a lot of avatars for MySpace. Buddy-Icons.info is a place for users of AIM, Yahoo messanger, MSN or ICQ.


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