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Category: Wildlife Buddy Icons

Elk Buddy Icon

Elk Buddy Icon  
Elk Buddy Icon is free buddy icon in category Wildlife Submitted by buddy at 12-23-2005.

Downloaded 3302 times
Monkey Myspace Icon
Monkey Myspace Icon
Tiger Myspace Icon 3
Tiger Myspace Icon 3
Wolf Buddy Icon
Wolf Buddy Icon
Tiger Buddy Icon 15
Tiger Buddy Icon 15
Tiger Buddy Icon 2
Tiger Buddy Icon 2

More Wildlife Buddy Icons...


Icon Tools

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Install icon in AIM
(You need to start your AIM before installing buddy icons)

Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Elk Buddy Icon on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Icons

Quantum of Solace Myspace Icon 25
Quantum of Solace Myspace Icon 25
from Quantum of Solace Buddy Icons
Candles Icon 2
Candles Icon 2
from New Year And Christmas Buddy Icons
Hawaii Myspace Icon 123
Hawaii Myspace Icon 123
from Hawaii Buddy Icons
Crazy Cow Icons 21
Crazy Cow Icons 21
from Animals Buddy Icons

You can use these icons in MSN. Just save it and set as your Display Picture. Submit your favorite buddy icons. You can use these icons on your website.

We would appriciate to hear your comments about this buddy icon. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar.

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Random Smileys

Merci Smiley
Merci Smiley
from Tablet
Crazy Smiley t
Crazy Smiley t
from Crazy
from Funny
from Emotions

Random Avatars

Homosexual Online for your MySpace Profile
Homosexual Online for your MySpace Profile
from MySpace Online
Happy Easter Avatar 11
Happy Easter Avatar 11
from Easter

Random Away Messages

Yummy in the tummy.
Yummy in the tummy.
from Eating
The Lord has called me to my bed so that I may rest my weary head. when the stars go off to sleep and the sun begins to peep, that is when we'll meet again. until that time, goodnight dear friend.
from Sleep
  Eyes will go bad
Sometimes my mom says if you sit too close to the TV your eyes will go bad. So I decided since my eyes are already bad sitting too close to the TV will make them better.
from Other

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim


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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

A lot of College Icons can be found here. Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. You can use these icons in forums, different websites, MySpace.com, Xanga.com or any other places in internet. Instant messanging is the best way to find new friends.

Icons are suitable for AIM, MSN, Yahoo messangers and ICQ photos. You can express yourself with our custom buddy icons. You can upload your icons, smileys, expressions and programs. Tons of new buddy icons and smileys are added almost daily on Buddy-Icons.info. Join us free and express yourself.


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