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Category: Freddy Vs Jason Buddy Icons

Freddy Vs Jason 20

Freddy Vs Jason 20  
Freddy Vs Jason 20 is free buddy icon in category Freddy Vs Jason Submitted by buddy at 09-27-2005.

Downloaded 3381 times
Freddy Vs Jason
Freddy Vs Jason
Freddy Vs Jason 8
Freddy Vs Jason 8
Freddy Vs Jason 26
Freddy Vs Jason 26
Freddy Vs Jason 18
Freddy Vs Jason 18
Freddy Vs Jason 25
Freddy Vs Jason 25

More Freddy Vs Jason Buddy Icons...


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Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Freddy Vs Jason 20 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

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You can use these icons in MSN. Just save it and set as your Display Picture. You can find free icons which can be used in AOL instant messenger, Yahoo messenger, MSN and ICQ. Please rate this buddy icon.

Submit your favorite buddy icons. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar.

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Random Smileys

from Evil
Laughter smiley 10
Laughter smiley 10
from Laughter
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Sport Smiley 100
from Sport
Zodiac smiley 30
Zodiac smiley 30
from Zodiac

Random Avatars

Dead for your MySpace Profile
Dead for your MySpace Profile
from MySpace Terrible
Bored for your MySpace Profile 2
Bored for your MySpace Profile 2
from MySpace Character

Random Away Messages

Something my teacher told me
Algebra is our friend but geometry is our enemy.
from Thinkers
Y do ppl assume things? Y does it seem like guys r on their period 24/7 seriously get a life! Stop bein jerks! And then every1 ask y i don't have 1 when I'm goin through the toughest thing in my life rite now! SO EVERY1 GET OFF MY CASE I KNOW I'M WEIRD BUT DANG I JUS WANT TO BE FRIENDS! without all the drama and talkin behind backs!!!
from Other
Do you seriously think I care about anyone else, but me? Well, you thought wrong!
from Other

Random Programs

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim


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