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Category: Kristin Kreuk Buddy Icons

Kristin Kreuk Icon 57

Kristin Kreuk Icon 57  
Kristin Kreuk Icon 57 is free buddy icon in category Kristin Kreuk Submitted by buddy at 06-26-2006.

Downloaded 2313 times
Kristin Kreuk Icon 48
Kristin Kreuk Icon 48
Kristin Kreuk Icon 34
Kristin Kreuk Icon 34
Kristin Kreuk Icon 45
Kristin Kreuk Icon 45
Kristin Kreuk Icon 46
Kristin Kreuk Icon 46
Kristin Kreuk Icon 60
Kristin Kreuk Icon 60

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Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Kristin Kreuk Icon 57 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
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Please rate this buddy icon. Submit your favorite buddy icons. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar.

Buddy icons are small images in GIF or JPEG format associated with user profiles in instant messengers. You can use these icons in MSN. Just save it and set as your Display Picture. Downloads tons of icons for free.

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Random Avatars

American Idiot for your MySpace Profile
American Idiot for your MySpace Profile
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Happy Easter Avatar 4
Happy Easter Avatar 4
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Random Away Messages

Nothing is sure
A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.
from Other
  my description of love
Love is heart that can become a broken puzzle if torn apart. Love is a dagger forced into a poor lonely soul that can break you or make you whole. Love is a game, shame, lame and a name. Love is a new life and a knife. Love can be like death, it can give or take your breath. Love is a saddness, a sorrow. Love is a new day tomorrow.Love is destressing, depressing and obsessing. Love is glory and a never ending story. Love is a flower that can be weak or be a power. Love is appealing, a feeling and can be hurtful or healing. Love is a fire, a burning desire and can be a dirty lier. Love is a killer and a thriller. Love is a pill that messes with will. Love is a flowing river that makes you cold, makes you quiver. Love is a new door that can be empty or can be more. Love is a passage way, a new beginning, a bran new day. Love is the colors black and blue frome the bruises from the old that still look new. Love is a book, a new way to look. Love is pain that can be lost or can gain. Love is apart of you and me and thats the way it will always be.
from Romance
  I love Chanukah
Eight candles to light. One candle each night. Presents that glow. I love Chanukah so.
from Other

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