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Category: Alaska Buddy Icons

Landscapes Alaska Icon 80

Landscapes Alaska Icon 80  
Landscapes Alaska Icon 80 is free buddy icon in category Alaska Submitted by buddy at 11-22-2005.

Downloaded 2857 times
Landscapes Alaska Icon 27
Landscapes Alaska Icon 27
Landscapes Alaska Icon 63
Landscapes Alaska Icon 63
Forest Alaska Icon 11
Forest Alaska Icon 11
Landscapes Alaska Icon 70
Landscapes Alaska Icon 70
Landscapes Alaska Icon 51
Landscapes Alaska Icon 51

More Alaska Buddy Icons...


Icon Tools

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Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Landscapes Alaska Icon 80 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Icons

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Nikol kidman 13
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Angels 31
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Blue Team Icon
Blue Team Icon
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Putting a custom buddy icon to your profile is a perfect way to express yourself. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar. Please rate this buddy icon.

You can use these icons on your website. We would appriciate to hear your comments about this buddy icon.

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Random Smileys

Ireland Flag smiley 77
Ireland Flag smiley 77
from Flags
Smiley 149
Smiley 149
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Yahoo smiley 19
Yahoo smiley 19
from Emotions
Beaver Smiley 3
Beaver Smiley 3
from Animals

Random Avatars

Happy Birthday Myspace Avatar 7
Happy Birthday Myspace Avatar 7
from Birthday
Doll Myspace Comments 6
Doll Myspace Comments 6
from MySpace People

Random Away Messages

I feel as if something is going wrong inside of me. Like, something has possessed me. But, what is it? It's coming from my heart. That's right, the center of my heart, and it's spreading. Spreading like wildfire. But, whatever could it be? Wait a minute. I can feel it again. But, this time, it's coming from my brain. It's feeling the same as my heart. Should I be afraid? No. I know what this feeling is now. Whatever it is, it makes me think about him all the time. It makes me only write songs about him. It makes me dream about him at night. I know what this feeling is. Do you want to know? It's love.
from Romance
  To steal ideas
To steal ideas from one person would be plagiarism; to steal ideas from many is called research. I'm writing a paper so consider me guilty of grand theft author.
from School
  not really.
I'm probably still sitting in front of the computer. I just don't want to talk to you, so I put this away message up.
from Insults

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

Away Control
from Aim


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Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. Are you fond of Yahoo emotions? Yahoo emoticons and smileys can be downloaded or used on websites. Lots of icons and Smileys for MySpace.

You can copy and paste smileys and emoticons on your personal homepage, website or profile on MySpace, Xanga and other websites. Lots of icons about The Chronicles of Narnia can be downloaded for free. You can find funny AIM icons, away messages, smileys and emotions. Lots of buddy icons can be used in your favorite instant messanger: AIM, MSN, Yahoo or as a Photo in ICQ.


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