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Category: Love Dolls Buddy Icons

Love Dollz Myspace Icon 2

Love Dollz Myspace Icon 2  
Love Dollz Myspace Icon 2 is free buddy icon in category Love Dolls Submitted by buddy at 06-08-2007.

Downloaded 2251 times
Dreaming Of Youy Doll Myspace Icon
Dreaming Of Youy Doll Myspace Icon
I Love Him Doll Myspace Icon 21
I Love Him Doll Myspace Icon 21
I Love Him Doll Myspace Icon 20
I Love Him Doll Myspace Icon 20
Love Doll Myspace Icon 79
Love Doll Myspace Icon 79
Love Doll Myspace Icon 3
Love Doll Myspace Icon 3

More Love Dolls Buddy Icons...


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Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Love Dollz Myspace Icon 2 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Icons

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No Reservations Myspace Icon 6
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I Never Stopped Doll Myspace Icon
I Never Stopped Doll Myspace Icon
from Love Dolls Buddy Icons

Buddy icons are small images in GIF or JPEG format associated with user profiles in instant messengers. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar. You can use these icons in MSN. Just save it and set as your Display Picture.

Downloads tons of icons for free. Submit your favorite buddy icons.

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Random Smileys

Angel smiley 100
Angel smiley 100
from Angel
ICQ smiley 14
ICQ smiley 14
from Emotions
from Emotions
Popo smiley 8
Popo smiley 8
from Emotions

Random Avatars

Everything, Nothing MySpace Avatars
Everything, Nothing MySpace Avatars
from MySpace People
Online Now for your MySpace Profile 6
Online Now for your MySpace Profile 6
from MySpace Online

Random Away Messages

I had a peaceful sleep last night. I haven't had that in weeks. I dreamt about you. In my dream we were together, not looking at each other, but looking out on the horizon side by side. I cannot remember what we were looking at, but I do remember that we held each other's hand. That, to me, was enough. It really felt as if you were there, and with our fingers entwined, I just felt a calming warmth seeping through your fingers...a strength that I always sensed you possessed.
from Sleep
Why are you IMing me??!!? Can't you see the little yellow tabby thingy next to my screen name? Or am I not on your buddy list? Gee, the thanks I get for being such a good friend... you don't even care if I'm on, do you? You're probably IM'ing me to tell me you hate me... is that right? I can't take this... this stress... too much stress... I've gone upstairs to get some aspirin and maybe a beer.
from Silly
  Pillow date
Currently having a date with my pillow see you in 15 hours.
from Sleep

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim


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