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Category: Girls Buddy Icons

Snow Girl Icon 102

Snow Girl Icon 102  
Snow Girl Icon 102 is free buddy icon in category Girls Submitted by buddy at 10-25-2005.

Downloaded 2504 times
Girl Buddy Icon 205
Girl Buddy Icon 205
Bad Girl Icon 114
Bad Girl Icon 114
Balck hat haley
Balck hat haley
Girl Buddy Icon 116
Girl Buddy Icon 116
Babe In Bikini 2
Babe In Bikini 2

More Girls Buddy Icons...


Icon Tools

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(You need to start your AIM before installing buddy icons)

Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use Snow Girl Icon 102 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

Random Icons

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A Bug s Life 3
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Alessandra Ambrosio Icon 62
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Georgia Myspace Icon 117
from Georgia Buddy Icons
Valentine 3
Valentine 3
from Holiday Buddy Icons

Downloads tons of icons for free. Putting a custom buddy icon to your profile is a perfect way to express yourself. Buddy icons are small images in GIF or JPEG format associated with user profiles in instant messengers. We would appriciate to hear your comments about this buddy icon.

Copy and paste icon code in forums, Myspace, Xanga.com, etc. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar.

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Random Smileys

from Crazy
MSN smiley 39
MSN smiley 39
from Emotions
Smiley 173
Smiley 173
from Emotions
from Games

Random Avatars

Rose Myspace Avatar 3
Rose Myspace Avatar 3
from MySpace Love
Single Now for your MySpace Profile
Single Now for your MySpace Profile
from MySpace Character

Random Away Messages

If you concentrate REEEEEEEAL hard, I might come back...
from Thinkers
  Love Means...
Love Means... (a girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle) Girl: Slow down. Im scared. Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, its to scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him) Guy: Can u take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me. In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die.
from Romance
  I cant keep money
cant keep money!!! Money just has to go to toys & clothes!! That money just burns a hole in my pocket so i gotta go shopping right NOW before i go insane!!
from Shopping

Random Programs

Away Factor
from Aim

Away Control
from Aim

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim

AIMŪ Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim


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Join us free and express yourself. Amazing Crazy frog icons for your AIM messanger for free download! Feel free to join us free and take the advantages of the growing community of IM users. Express yourself with a cute away message or a custom aim expression. Icons are suitable for AIM, MSN, Yahoo messangers and ICQ photos.

Express yourself with a custom created aim expressions. It's absolutely free to join our community. Upload your own icons and smileys, communicate with other members on Buddy-Icons.info, post comments and rate the best icons and smiles. You can copy and paste smileys and emoticons on your personal homepage, website or profile on MySpace, Xanga and other websites.


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