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Category: The Santa Claus Buddy Icons

The Santa Claus 11

The Santa Claus 11  
The Santa Claus 11 is free buddy icon in category The Santa Claus Submitted by buddy at 09-19-2005.

Downloaded 2309 times
The Santa Claus 19
The Santa Claus 19
The Santa Claus 16
The Santa Claus 16
The Santa Claus 14
The Santa Claus 14
The Santa Claus 5
The Santa Claus 5
The Santa Claus 29
The Santa Claus 29

More The Santa Claus Buddy Icons...


Icon Tools

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Icon code for MySpace, websites and forums

Want to use The Santa Claus 11 on a website, forums, MySpace.com?
Icon Code for MySpace, websites:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code
Icon bbCode for phpBB forums:
Click in the text area to select the code. Copy and paste the html code

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Downloads tons of icons for free. You can use these icons in MSN. Just save it and set as your Display Picture. Putting a custom buddy icon to your profile is a perfect way to express yourself. You can use these icons in your ICQ profile as an avatar.

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Random Smileys

Crazy Smiley m
Crazy Smiley m
from Crazy
from Love
Popo smiley 45
Popo smiley 45
from Emotions
Music Smiley 15
Music Smiley 15
from Music

Random Avatars

Showing Some Luv Avatar
Showing Some Luv Avatar
from MySpace Love
Reindeer Avatar 2
Reindeer Avatar 2
from New Year And Christmas

Random Away Messages

Pick-Up Line
Is your name Summer casue your hot!
from Romance
what, what do u want i told u go away!!
from Other
  If you're reading this
If you're reading this...I'm dead. Just kidding, I'm sleeping. But people do die in their sleep. Sweet dreams!
from Sleep

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim

AIMŪ PassCrack
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim


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What is Buddy-Icons.info?

Lots of buddy icons can be used in your favorite instant messanger: AIM, MSN, Yahoo or as a Photo in ICQ. Contact other members using Private messaging, leave your comments and rate icons, away messages, programs, etc. You can use these icons in forums, different websites, MySpace.com, Xanga.com or any other places in internet.

You can download everything you see here for free! Post your own icons and away messages and let other people review them. You can find funny AIM icons, away messages, smileys and emotions. Buddy-Icons.info is a place for users of AIM, Yahoo messanger, MSN or ICQ.


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