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to drink 8-10 glasses from category Bathroom

Doctors say that it is good for us to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Unfortunately it has its consequences.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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be back later from category Bathroom

Bathroom...be back later. Much, much later.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Think about that one from category Tips

I am not available because I am playing games with your mind. Think about that one.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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I'm busy studying from category Funny

I'm busy studying. Or as they say in the porn business, "looking at porn."

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Sex is like poker from category Funny

Sex is like poker: If you don't have a partner you better have a really strong hand.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Knock knock from category Other

Knock knock? Who's there... %n! %n who? Exactly what I was thinking too

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Pokemon from category Funny

My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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opposite day from category Romance

Remember the time I told you you were cool? That was opposite day.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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limit from category Funny

The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Not available from category Other

I am not available because I am playing a computer game that takes up a good portion of the screen.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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May I ignore you from category Funny

Hello, welcome to my away message, how may I ignore you today?

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Goldfish from category Insults

The little yellow thing next to my name should mean somethin'... :-P Maybe not to someone who has the brain capacity of a goldfish though. Have a bad day.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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ugly tree... from category Insults

Oh dear! Looks like %n fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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MORE SPAM!!!!!!!!! from category Thinkers

Did you know that a can of spam is opend eveery 4 seconds?

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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umm... from category Thinkers

I'm trying to think of a good away messege.....ummmm...lemme tink.....im still thinking....wait....it's almost in my head....umm....i'll brb while i think of an away messege

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Use your brain from category Thinkers

Where am I? Where are you? If I am there, then how are you here? Who are you? How are you? How am I? What am I? What are you?

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Would anyone care? from category Thinkers

If I gave you only 5 minutes to tell me every single person that you love, would I be mentioned? Am I important to you?? What if you died tomorrow and never got to be with the person you love? What if we got into a fight would we ever be friends again? What if I died tomorrow would you remember me?

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Thinking from category Thinkers

Sorry Im Thinking... I Could be Gone for A While...

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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God is crying from category Thinkers

If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Now Later from category Thinkers

I can't talk on the computer now, so if, well, actually, I CAN talk on the computer now, I mean, like, I'm at the computer NOW, writing this message, but I'm doing this NOW, while you're reading it LATER, except for you I guess it's NOW, like, when you're reading it... I mean, like, wait, gosh. This is so confusing.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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