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Nitemares from category Sleep

i was dreamin until u im'ed me.... then... my dreams turned in2 nitemares

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Scream from category Sleep

Hi, this is (YOUR SCREEN NAME'S) away message. I'm sleeping right now, so scream really loudly and I might wake up in time to get your message.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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I'm a sleep from category Sleep

What's the question you can never answer yes to? Are you sleeping? Well if you're reading this right now then you probably want to ask me that. So here it is....Yes, I am sleeping.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Always confused... from category Sleep

I am always confused when people ask me did you sleep good? I always wonder if they want me to say no, I made a few mistakes.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Leave! from category Funny

My door is always open, so feel free to leave!!

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Life was so much easier... from category Funny

Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Cruel mind game from category Funny

maybe im here. maybe im not here.maybe im just waiting to see what you would say when im gone.maybe this whole away message thing is just a cruel mind game. maybe not.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Sniff Coke from category Funny

I tried to sniff coke once... but the ice cubes got stuck! be back later when I get the ice cubes unstuck from my friggin nose!

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Mood swings from category College

I am in a mental hospital because they say I have uncontrolable mood swings.....what are they talking about?!(Scream) I do NOT have any FREAKING MOOD SWINGS!!!!!! And...(sniffle) i have a great life (tear) why would I (sob) have any mood swings? (laugh) I am feeling great today! How about you?

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Argue with an Idiot from category Funny

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Cell phone from category Funny

Hey, I'm not here right now, so you can reach me on my cell phone. If you want to reach me on my cell phone, buy me a cell phone...

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Where Rain Comes From from category Funny

If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is, "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is, "Probably because of something you did.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Confusing from category Funny

Melissa told Anne to remind her to tell Bre to tell Tina to tell Amna to tell Diana to tell Moo-Moo to tell Vicky to tell Lizzy to tell Isra to tell Annie to tell Hailey to tell Christine to tell April to tell Angela not to use this away message.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Life is a waste of time... from category Funny

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life. So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Kinds Of People from category Funny

There are three kinds of people in the world; ones that can count and ones that can't count.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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If life gives you lemons... from category Funny

If life gives you lemons, throw them at some one!

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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School = Prison from category College

You know, school is a lot like prison. This is because: 1) we are forced against our will to go 2) we eat in one room that's pretty small 3) we are kept in a small room they call, "classroom" which is like a cell. There, I've told you why school's a lot like prison, now will you come free me!?

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Smart Person Doing Homework from category College

Hello! Although I would adore the opportunity to be present and converse with you, I am regretful to state that I must attend to the monotinous and superfulous exercises implimented by those employed to supervise the required increase of my intelligence level. When I have completed these chores (which lack the motivation of my other ambitions), I will be available to associate myself with the portion of you that is not required to be capacitated by the painstaking duties of expanding your educational horizons.

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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Homework, homwork, homework from category College

Homework, homwork, homework, homework... maybe I should stop saying homework and start doing it... nah, screw that, I'm gonna keep saying homework. Homework, homework, homework...

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
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When i wake up... from category College

When i wake up and go to the hell they call "school", il think about you to make it heaven..

Submitted by buddy at 11-27-2007
0 comment

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