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Yesterdays tomorrow from category Thinkers

What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Slower idiot from category Thinkers

Have you ever noticed that anyone going faster than you is a maniac and anyone going slower than you is an idiot?

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Maybe I'm not here from category Silly

Maybe I'm not here. Maybe I am here, and I'm just waiting to see what you type when you think I'm gone. Maybe this whole away message is just a cruel mind game. Maybe not.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Repetition from category Silly

Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Radiation monkeys from category Silly

HELP! Radiation monkeys are attacking me! There sucking... my... brain... can't... think... must... finish... away... mess- AHHHHH!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Cows from category Silly

Milk! Have you ever wondered who was the first to say, "Hey look at that strange creature. Let's pull them things hanging and taste it." Well, I went to go find out!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Yes I believe you from category Silly

Yes I believe you, 2 plus 2 does equal 5! :turns to friend: Man this chick is so stupid!! We all know 2+2=3

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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I was thinking from category Silly

I was thinking about this whole away message thing. Does anyone really care where we are or what we are doing? Is it even really any of their business? Well I'm away. Lets just leave it at that.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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This is Goldilocks from category Silly

Hello! This is Goldilocks. I'm busy right now eating porridge with the three bears, be back as soon as we settle which bowl of porridge is juuussst right!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Few women admit... from category Funny

Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Friends from category Tips

True friends, are like diamonds, precious and rare, but false friends, like autumn leaves, are found everywhere.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Worst enemy from category Other

Your worst enemy can be your best friend down at heart.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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I am spinning from category Other

I am spinning in my computer chair!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Cold beer from category Eating

There is nothing better than a cold beer; yet nothing worse than a hot one!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Life is like a hotdog from category Eating

Life is like a hotdog, all the good stuff goes into the pork chop or the ham, the hot dog gets the snouts, feet, testicles, intestines, etc.... kind of puts a new perspective on the world huh?

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Sorry I cant talk to you from category Other

Sorry I cant talk to you right now....I am currently in the process of plotting a way to take over the world....then I will figure out how to bring down Kentucky Fried Chicken....and finally I will eliminate green beans forever....t may be a while so dont get your panties in a bunch while holding your horses...

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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I like bananas from category Funny

I like bananas better than men because the are long, tasty, juicy, and u can cut them to any size.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Have you ever loved somebody from category Romance

Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry...well thats what im doing right now!

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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Guys have females from category Funny

Some guys have females, I just have emails

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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I lied from category Other

Remember the time i told you that you were cool? I lied.

Submitted by buddy at 11-28-2007
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